The Nostalgic Comfort of Great Grandmother's Caramels

The Nostalgic Comfort of Great Grandmother's Caramels

When my great grandmother stood at her woodburning stove stirring a batch of caramel some 80+ years ago, she could have never known she was starting a tradition that would be woven into the fabric of our family for decades to come. It would morph into a thousand different memories for so many of us — wrapping and receiving batches each year,  sneaking a taste (or two or three), and recreating the recipe in different kitchens as our family grew and evolved. 

These caramels are certainly a cornerstone in my family history, but there have always been small, inexplicable nudges from the universe that told me they were meant to be shared. 

A First Sign

When my husband and I first started dating, I made a batch of our caramels to give to his family as Christmas gifts. One taste and his immediate reaction was, “My god, these are so good. You have to sell them.” My response? Too. Much. Work. 

Marriage and a baby followed, as did a demanding job that created a perpetual state of burnout. I knew there had to be a better and more fulfilling way to contribute financially for my family.

A Light After Loss 

Some time later, our world was completely shattered by the loss of our infant son. As my husband and I moved through the fog a loss of this magnitude can create, I was struck by a thought. I remember telling him, “I don’t know why we were placed on this path, but I have a deep urge to finally start the caramel business.” His response? “Let’s do it.” 

A Plan Falls into Place

Once the decision was made, doors began to open. I was able to quickly turn a dream into a business I was enlivened by.

Creating and sharing these treasured family caramels continues to be a tangible way to move through the pain, reconnect with those I love, and spread a little sweetness in a world that doesn’t have enough of it. 

It feels like a great big comforting hug from Great Grandma Edith herself.